.. _dev: *********** Development *********** Mac OS ====== .. sourcecode:: shell brew install mysql mysql -uroot -e 'CREATE DATABASE citadeltest' brew install python3 mkvirtualenv citadel --python=python3 pip install -r requirements-dev.txt py.test --pdb -s Playing with websocket APIs =========================== I find no easy way to write tests for websocket APIs, so if you're not sure about the behavior of those APIs, you can run a citadel instance and test them using `wsdump.py `_ .. sourcecode:: shell # initiate database ./shell.py > db.create_all() # start webserver gunicorn citadel.app:app -c gunicorn_config.py # start celery worker export C_FORCE_ROOT=true celery -A citadel.app:celery worker # rock and roll wsdump.py ws:// > {"appname":"test-app","sha":"3641acaa644f160bc6d3e9d5562bf4eccaaf1f9c"} For ENJOY team ============== .. sourcecode:: shell tools/deploy.sh test origin feature/next-gen ssh c1-eru-2 -t 'sudo su' workon citadel && cd /opt/citadel && py.test -s --pdb